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For safety reasons (to avoid clot embolization during catheter manipulation) the patient should take oral anticoagulation (Coumadin or Pradaxa, not aspirin) at an optimal therapeutic range (INR 2-2,6) for at least 1-2 months before the procedure to minimize the risk of clot formation. In addition a transesophageal echocardiogram should be performed a few days before hospitalization to confirm the absence of any clot, notably in the left atrial appendage, as this would mean that the date of the procedure would have to be postponed.


Anticoagulants should be interrupted 48 hours before the day of the operation, for persistent AF. In paroxysmal AF, the procedure can be done under coumadine (but not Pradaxa). Please check with us prior to the procedure.


Anti-arrhythmic drugs will be stopped 5 days before.

Preablation management

value. ​quality care. convenience.

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